Red Flag Laws: Opposing Freedom

I just got off the telephone comment line to the Whitehouse to make sure my voice is heard about preserving the 2nd Amendment by opposing Red Flag Laws. I also sent an email to President Trump on the subject. (Tip: call the Switchboard, 202-456-1414, if the comment line is busy.

Aside from my personal experience in listening to the Gun Control debate for the last 40 years+, I thought it prudent to list some of my current reads and favorite video clips that have firmed my stance on why I am concerned over who’s watching the watchers, against additional background checks, and the importance of fighting off those who wish to control this issue through emotional rhetoric.

Today Front Page Magazine put out a fabulous article that clearly articulates the need for discussion:


When the FBI failed to prevent a mass murder they knew was coming.

Glenn Beck’s book CONTROL is the best when it comes to documentation on the issue, and then some. His company, has many hosts who have raised the warnings, and you should hear from their guests!


Dana Loesch is one of the best when it comes to articulating and fighting for the Second Amendment:

Why Red Flag Laws Are Not A Good Solution To Mass Shootings

Do you feel comfortable giving up a cornerstone of our republic for a safety dependent upon enforcement by a government that has failed at this before?

Great segment here with Simon Sinek: “It’s not about guns, it’s about kids being lonely…”

Here are two wonderful educational videos with the late and great Charlton Heston:

In a clarion call to action here is a reminder about the importance of making sure President Trump hears your voice in defense of the Second Amendment and opposition to Red Flag Laws:

Additional Sources: 

  1. Mark Levin: The Media and the Mass Shootings
  2. Conservative Review: Gun Control
  3. Daily Wire: Gun Control 
  4. Glenn Beck: Gun Control
  5. The Blaze: Gun Control



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