Big Weekend: Single Payer fight continues

Screen Shot 2017-07-15 at 1.10.46 PMThere is a lot moving on the Not-Yet-Single-Payer Progressive Healthcare agenda this weekend and it seems like the Progressive Republican Leadership (PRL) is full out driving the Sophistry Train. 

Speaker Paul Ryan, the new but same as the old John Boehner, claims “the House will stay in session” IF……  

So that brings me to Ted, Ted, Ted. Don’t make me shake my head. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on this amendment stunt he seems to have pulled BUT…. I remember when Ted said


Yeah, Ted. Ryan’s claim to stay in session is why, now more than ever, you must press forward on getting what Voters put you into office for in the first place. 

I have not yet seen Mike Lee’s take on this so am approaching The tweak that could cost Mike Lee’s vote and sink the healthcare bill with caution! 

Additional Reading: 

  1. Chuck Schumer Admits Obama Health Payments Violated The Constitution
  2. House votes for transgender military fighting … the weather
  3. ICYMI: ‘Wringing my hands, wetting the bed’ & stormy Swampcare
  4. This health care tax could spark a GOP civil war

  5. Why the Cruz amendment is smart policy

And remember the discussion and outcomes from 2013 because McCONnell and Ryan have a history of saying one thing and doing another. Question them with Boldness because….. 



Author: jswardell

Conservative Partnership Institute, Tea Party Patriot, Heritage Action Sentinel, Political Activist, #SocialismKILLS, Community Organizer, Blog:

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