China’s God: Ask Li Schoolland

This is an absolutely powerful conversation with Li Schoolland as she explains her life growing up with CHINA’S SOCIALIST GOD.

As you listen to Li, ask yourself these questions:

  • Why no families?
  • Why deny children hugs from and connections to their parents?
  • Why would a leader deny God’s power and divinity?
  • Why would a leader teach his people God was less powerful than man?
  • Why would a leader teach that people would win over God?
  • What were the effects of government making nature better?
  • What are the measurable outcomes of government run programs?

Now ask yourself:

  • Who or what does Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and their Democrat cohorts worship?
  • Who do they think is more powerful? You? Them? God?
  • And who do they ask you to put your trust in? Them? God?
  • What are the womb to the tomb education policies of the federal government?
  • Why do the progressive policies keep targeting children as young as possible (pre-K, infants and infants and toddlers)?
  • Who is demanding control of your child’s education?
  • What is curriculum being taught to children?
  • How does partnering expand government overreach?
  • How are they making people poor and dependent upon Government funding?
  • What types of scorched earth policies do Nancy and Chuck and their party support?


By the way, once you let the Government in your home, your private property, you wave all rights to privacy.

Also, which of the Government Programs recognize that Parental Rights trump Government Overreach?

Multiple Exposés: Well Documented with Original Sources

Here we are. The nightmare of another Continuing Resolution is looming over taxpayers’ heads in November. Instead of congress working on separate appropriations bills,  it appears that Nancy Pelosi and The Democrats seem determined to cover-up seemingly obvious misdeeds through the unsavory threat of impeaching Donald Trump for that which he did not do.

It appears that Democrats and Republican Progressives only care about wielding power, exercising control, and amassing personal fortunes from the pockets of taxpaying Americans

Facts. Go There.

Go there with Glenn Beck. Sign Up! #GetTheBlaze


Here are but a few of the links to the documents from Beck’s chalkboard exposé:

#GoThere with Lee Stranahan

This is lengthy yet meticulous documentation in Lee’s Twitter feed that shows where the connections begin, even before the 2016 election.  Note the linked connections that show the part John McCain, with his McCain Institute, played in this apparently calculated plot.

#GoThere with Andrew C. McCarthy of National Review 

  1. Breaking Down the Whistleblower Frenzy
  2. Double Standards on Ukraine
  3. How about a Bipartisan Treaty against the Criminalization of Elections?
  4. Do Republicans See the Strategy to Discredit the Barr Investigation?
  5. If the House Won’t Vote, Impeachment Inquiry Is Just a Democratic Stunt
  6. Quid Pro Quo and Extortion: Welcome to Foreign Relations

Now you know and Democrats know you know. Therefore what?

Politely, burn the phones and flood social media with the hashtag #DeceiveMeNotTell Pelosi to Vote for Impeachment or #StopTheFarce & #EndTheConflict. (Pelosi on Facebook; on Twitter, on Medium.)  

The Podcasts by Glenn Beck

The 5 p.m. Eastern broadcast by Glenn Beck has been wonderfully uplifting lately. You can watch the shows on, or on YouTube or download The Glenn Beck Podcast from several podcast outlets for your listening pleasure.


The 4E Solution by Glenn Beck

Each interview is fascinating. I feel better educated, enlightened, empowered and inspired as Glenn interviews each of these amazing men and woman.

  1. Tim Ballard
  2. Robert Spencer
  3. Michael Rectenwald
  4. Cassie Jaye
  5. Gene McGuire
  6. Eric Bolling

As I listen and learn I am reminded of a quote by the late Neal A. Maxwell:

“How can you and I really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, ‘Lord, give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee what Thou art! Then, let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy!’ ”  — Neal A. Maxwell

There are solutions to every challenge. None of us are exempt from and truly we can learn through our trials and tribulations, or through those of others, that in our extremities we can come to know God.

He has a Plan for us.

10 Day Social Media Fast: Day 9

Being less on social media has given me more opportunities to read and to watch The Blaze or listen to it in the background during my day. I usually have The Blaze on most of the time anyway however, not being distracted by social media has allowed me to really listen to it during the day.

Pat Gray Unleashed is a favorite! As the Morning Guy I love hearing him when I wake up.  I am thrilled that CRTV’s Steve Deace is now a crossover show on The Blaze. Deace is on after Glenn Beck Radio so the line up is really working for me. 

Screen Shot 2018-10-16 at 9.02.01 PM.png
The Blaze Radio

One thing Deace talked about today is how some Republican’s use catch phrases when it comes to getting reelected but the Conservative Review tracks their voting records so you can see if their words are far from their hearts. I like that he brought it up while asking listeners to guess what percentage some of the names circulating themselves through the media are on the Conservative voting scale. 

Oh, if only he could hear me screaming what I know through the television screen. The Scorecard is so my friend when it comes to calling out alleged Republicans in Congress. And I really like to use it when Military people run for office, as though their military service makes them more worthy to sit in the House or Senate. 

I am right there with you Steve. Great shows this week and I look forward to more to come. Thanks for talking about the things that matter to me. 


10 Day Social Media Fast: Day 2

Kevin Ryan of The Blaze is a very interesting read. Here are links to his latest insights:

  1. In-Depth: Michael Rectenwald Crosses the Street

  2. In-Depth: Jordan Peterson and Dave Rubin and the Long-Distance Call

  3. In-Depth: Dave Rubin’s Idea Revolution

Lots of changes going on at The Blaze. Pat Gray is going to mornings to take over the Doc Thompson slot. Doc is striking out on his own. Steve Deace from CRTV is moving into the Noon slot.

Thinking about purchasing #AddictedToOutrage by Glenn Beck.


Donate: Which Conservative Cause?

In today’s current political climate there is a revival of sorts going on in the Conservative movement. It reminds me of the Second Great Awakening, where churches popped up on every corner clamoring for members to be baptized in a particular congregation. So when a new friend asked me about my thoughts on where to participate and donate to help the conservative vision it seemed like posting here was a good place to start.
Often I give to the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF) Candidates directly:  I know SCF vets those they endorse. If a candidate lies to them and votes contrary to conservative principles, they revoke support for that candidate. That is why I check to see who’s who and to support those candidates in particular. Jim DeMint started SCF. It is a consistently conservative organization. 
I have donated to David Horowitz’s Freedom Center because there are many great thinkers and writers on, and David has so many irons in the fire to assault the lies of the left. My last big donation was for the archival quality volumes of The Black Book of the American Left. I have been a big fan of his since the 1990’s.
Currently I am donating to Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) because it seems like Jim DeMint understands what needs to be done. I do so waiting to see what good he is bringing about. He is working to unite an army of activists in supporting honorable men and women. As CPI bears good fruit, I will be increasing that donation. 
As a Heritage Action Sentinel, my donations there began slowly and to be honest, my donation is embarrassingly minimal. 
By subscribing to Glenn Beck’s The Blaze and Mark Levin’s CRTV, I feel like my time and money is well spent being well educated about the things that matter most. I really believe in Glenn’s vision and am looking forward to increasing donations to his company,
A few years ago I decided to check myself from getting sucked into funding every good cause. There are many wonderful causes, groups, and sincere people doing marvelous things.  It was overwhelming. Therefore, I prayerfully made a conscious decision to reduce and simplify my life, and to know where to best donate.  In order to focus on what matters most to me, I choose to give more money to a few organizations. 
Hope these thoughts are helpful. 

Dirty Jobs: Honey-do loves them

One of the great things about Honey-do is he cannot stand to pay anyone for something he can do himself. And he really cannot stand to call anyone to do something if he has not gone at it to see if he can do it first. It has been a blessing and a curse over the years, so you can imagine how thrilled I am that today it was a blessing! It was a savings of $399  because Honey-do was able to fix the washer.

One thing that I truly appreciate about Honey-do is he is educated and skilled. He grew up with parents who lived by the adage, Fix it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without. Over the years my Honey-do has saved us thousands of dollars because of his ability and desire to learn how to build and fix things.

That leads me to Mike Rowe and (that now switches you over to

“The mikeroweWORKS Foundation started the Profoundly Disconnected® campaign to challenge the absurd belief that a four-year degree is the only path to success. The Skills Gap is here, and if we don’t close it, it’ll swallow us all. Which is a long way of saying, we could use your help… “


Rewatching the Mike Rowe conversation on The Best of Beck at really made me thankful for the gifts and talents of Honey-do, and for his love for the principle of work. 

Here is the link to the story about the Rowe/Beck conversation from October 23, 2013:

Be sure to go to to check out the latest from Mike Rowe’s scholarship program. Check out The Shop too!




Returning The Favor

Dana’s last day at The Blaze

Having missed the announcement Monday, it came as a surprise that Dana Loesch is not renewing her contract with The Blaze. It was wonderful to see Glenn Beck show up for her last few moments on her last show today, and witness their tender exchange.

How totally rockin’ it was to see her as Darth Vaderess: 

Watch: A fond farewell to Dana Loesch from all of us at The Blaze

What a great team of people Glenn has put together and how lovely to see him let people go, with joy – though bittersweet, so they can spread their wings. Today’s show was a testament to the tenderness of hearts and cameraderie at The Blaze

Best wishes, Dana! Look forward to your January revelation of plans for 2018. Until then, God Bless you and yours! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.


Beck is back with #TheChalkboard

GlennBeck is back with his best ever blackboards, loving refered to as #TheChalkboard. And it could not have been revived at a better time in history. 

Enjoy! And remember, there is nothing as great as having On Demand! 

Timeline: Here’s what we know about Fusion GPS and the Trump dossier

Timeline: What you need to know about Uranium One


Watch: Here’s what you should know about the Declaration of Independence




Pat Gray UNLEASHED & Sidekick Jeffy

Unwinding from the day with Pat Gray and Jeffy on The Blaze. I did not get to see the whole radio-television broadcast earlier so it has been fun to catch up now on my Roku Player. 

Nice to laugh and chuckle with the guys. What a joyful, lighthearted show. Should have been taking notes so I could recount the funnies here but as I am unwinding, I could not be bothered to do so because I got distracted when they started talking Studio C.

Here’s where my mind went: 

And here: 

And here …. and  I could go on and on!





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